Monday, August 29, 2011

Performance Measurement: The Motion Picture!

What does performance measurement look like? Here's one way of "picturing" how Resources, Strategies, Service Personnel, and Service Beneficiaries interact so as to produce Outputs and Outcomes.  Come on, you can tell your friends you watched a 33-second movie about "logic models" with original, homemade Performance Measurement music!   Of course it's more complicated than this representation, but hey, nobody ever said the "map" was a substitute for actual travel or the "menu," a substitute for a good meal!  Speaking of representations, none of these "models," "maps," "chains," "frames," and so forth, can be eaten!

(Sorry I couldn't make this video any bigger; if you want it larger, click on "view full size," but then it gets a little blurry.)

Now, you want something you can sink your teeth into?  Chew on these links:
1. An Approach to Performance Measurement: Using the Performance Blueprint and Related Ongoing Performance Measurement & Management (OPM&M) Techniques

2. Other related documents

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